Photo of Jesse Ahinful

Jesse Ahinful

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Jesse Ahinful is a Bronx native with years of experience in criminal defense and landlord-tenant law. Prior to joining the firm, he, represented hundreds of Bronx residents in criminal court with the Legal Aid Society, where he cultivated experience in trial and motion practice. He also developed a skillset in civil litigation during his time with Lazarus Karp Ehrlich McCort LLP, where he handled small claims, non-payment, holdover, and commercial cases. With a penchant for advocacy, he has committed his practice to the service and betterment of his community.


  • New York Law School, New York, New York
    • J.D. - 2020
  • John Jay College of Criminal Justice New York, New York
    • B.A. - 2017
    • Major: Criminal Justice

Bar Admissions

  • New York, 2021

Current Employment Position

  • Associate