Eviction Lawyers Enforcing Leases And Protecting Your Rights as a Property Owner
Borah, Goldstein, Altschuler, Nahins & Goidel, P.C., has 40 years of experience as an eviction law firm resolving landlord-tenant disputes. Each party to a lease has contractually obligated duties to the other side. As a property owner or management company, your main concerns are that your tenants pay rent on time and keep you notified of any issues that arise. Likewise, it is important for you to notify tenants properly and in a timely manner of pending rental increases when it is time for them to renew their leases.
Qualified legal counsel can help you prevent delays in communications and enforcement of leases with your residential or commercial tenants. Turn to Borah Goldstein for trustworthy advice and direction from a landlord eviction lawyer.
Assisting Property Owners Navigate Landlord-Tenant Disputes
Our attorneys work as a team across divisions to provide you with quality representation. We work with the attorneys in the Administrative Division who keep abreast of the changes in the rent stabilization law and other regulatory agreements affecting rental buildings, tenant evictions, lease disputes and associated disputes.
Borah Goldstein has established a strong reputation in all facets of real estate law, including the representation of residential and commercial property owners and managing agents in leasing operations. Our housing attorneys help property owners resolve issues of nonpayment and usage noncompliance. We also represent select major commercial tenants in lease disputes.
When It Becomes Necessary To Commence An Action To Recover Possession
If a residential or commercial tenant fails to meet the terms of their leases, you may ultimately need to take action to recover possession of your property. At Borah Goldstein, our landlord-tenant lawyers help property owners and managers with issues related to eviction proceedings, including the following:
- Representation of owners and major commercial tenants in commercial nonpayment and holdover proceedings
- Representation of owners in residential nonpayment and holdover proceedings
- Representation of owners in housing part (HP) proceedings
- Surrogates Court petitions on behalf of owners
Our New York City lawyers represent property owners in disputes involving rent-stabilized, rent-controlled and free-market tenants.
- When family members seek to take over or “succeed” in residing in rent-regulated apartments of deceased tenants, upon investigation, our lawyers and legal staff sometimes discover that such relatives or unauthorized occupants have not met the residency requirements.
- When tenants of rent-regulated apartments have not kept up on their rent payments or renewed their leases on time, we can assist the building owners in recovering possession of the apartment and/or obtaining rental arrears.
Representing Owners Of Residential And Commercial Property And Commercial Tenants
In addition to representing residential and commercial property owners, we also accept select cases on behalf of major commercial tenants. With an experienced lawyer to assist you, you can be assured that your interests will be protected with every detail of proceedings that could result in eviction.
Meet With An NYC Real Estate Attorney Today
Work with New York City attorneys who know how to efficiently navigate the legal system to make sure you are protected at each step of the process that you will follow. Our team has a history of success in evictions and related dispute resolution throughout NYC. We will inform you about all your options and keep you updated on your case. The progress and outcome of your case can have a significant impact on your cash flow to the tune of thousands or tens of thousands of dollars or more. Keep your case on track and allow our landlord tenant lawyers to protect your rights. When you need a lawyer for eviction or another landlord tenant dispute, we are the right choice.
To learn how to obtain the results you are looking for, call our office at 855-720-2776 or send us an email to learn more about what we can do for you or your leasing company.